Force Process

ForceProcess is a sandbox setting in Sandboxie Ini. It specifies names of programs. If any of these programs are started outside any sandbox, they will be automatically sandboxed in a particular sandbox. For example:


The example specifies that Internet Explorer (iexplore.exe), Firefox (firefox.exe), App* (Appga, App03 and etc.). and App? (App1, Appg, Appa and etc.). will be forced to run sandboxed in the sandbox DefaultBox. Outlook.exe and cl?cke? (clicker, clicked and etc.). will be forced to run sandboxed in the sandbox MailBox.

Note that the ForceProcess settings only apply to programs that start unsandboxed. If a program is specifically started in a sandbox, or started by a program that is already sandboxed, then ForceProcess settings are not applied.

See also: ForceFolder. If both a ForceFolder and a ForceProcess are applicable to a program that is starting, the ForceFolder setting takes precedence.

Related Sandboxie Control setting: Sandbox Settings > Program Start > Forced Programs

See also: Program Settings.