This page describes the callable entrypoints in the SbieDll.dll dynamically-linked library (DLL). These entrypoints expose some functionality of Sandboxie that can be accessed programmatically, that is, through other programs rather than through a person interacting with Sandboxie.

There are three aspects to using Sandboxie programmatically:

The entrypoints described here are all exported by SbieDll.dll. To access an entrypoint, you should dynamically load this DLL into your program, and get the address of the desired entrypoint. For example,

        __declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall InjectDllMain(HINSTANCE hSbieDll, ULONG_PTR UnusedParameter)
	        // locate the address of SbieDll_Hook in SbieDll.dll

	        typedef void *(__stdcall *P_SbieDll_Hook)(
	                const char *ApiName, void *ApiFunc, void *NewFunc);	

	        P_SbieDll_Hook p_SbieDll_Hook = GetProcAddress(hSbieDll, "SbieDll_Hook");	

	        // invoke SbieDll_Hook through the function pointer


Note the use of InjectDllMain (see Inject Dll) to get a handle to the loaded instance of SbieDll. That is the recommended approach. However, using LoadLibrary or GetModuleHandle to look up SbieDll by name is also fine.

Enumerate Sandbox Names

        WCHAR name[34];
        int index = -1;
        while (1) {
                index = SbieApi_EnumBoxes(index, name);
                if (index == -1)

Query Sandbox Paths by Sandbox Name

Query Sandbox Paths by Process ID

Enumerate Running Processes

Query Process Information

Terminate a Single Sandboxed Process

Terminate All Sandboxed Processes

Query Configuration from Sandboxie.ini

Update Configuration in Sandboxie.ini

Reload Configuration from Sandboxie.ini

Hook a User-Mode Entrypoint

Register for DLL Load/Unload Callbacks

       typedef BOOLEAN *(__stdcall *P_SbieDll_RegisterDllCallback)(
		       P_DllCallback pCallback);
       The ImageName (first) parameter to the callback function
       specifies the UNICODE name string for the DLL that was loaded
       or unloaded.  The name string does not include a path.
       The ImageBase (second) parameter to the callback function
       specifies the load base address for the DLL, when the callback
       function is invoked to notify of a DLL load.  When the callback
       function is invoked to notify of a DLL unload, this parameter
       is set to zero.

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